
Monday, April 11, 2011

We are all addicts

I pondered the post of an atheist's comment on Jennifer Fulwiler's blog sometime back. The particular offense that the atheist objected to was that Christians do not care what other people think. That all they want to do is impose their values on others. Now curiously enough I agree with this summation up to a point. It is true that Christians as a rule do not at times factor the views of morality that others hold. This is sometimes not ideal. It does not foster communication between two people when one side is not actually listening to the other. However there are times when an attitude of indifference of another's opinion is called for. Take for example the case of the drug addict. Those who are enslaved by this vice are typically unable to think in terms of their own best interest or in the best interest of others. For them, the only thought is how next to obtain the object of their vice. Over time more of the same is needed for the original intoxication's effect. People are used, and the original addict is as much a victim and those who he exploits in pursuit of his vice. The Christian argues that sin is much like the vice of drug addiction. It usually starts small, such as stealing an apple. Or a lustful thought. Initially these things provide a brief exhilaration, sometimes proportionate to the act but other times the slightest sin can provide an initial rush. Over time however more is needed. Breaking into a house or the viewing of pornography, the sin escalates as the need to commit more daring offenses increases in order to feel that original exhilaration. Soon we cannot see outside our ourselves. Our minds are too fixated on our next crime. The Faith can be thought of as a rehabilitation program. The Faith begins when the addict admits he has a problem in sin. He realizes that he cannot continue to live his life as an addict. It causes him to turn in on himself. He exploits others. Or at the very least he cuts himself off from people. Afterwards the reliance on a "Higher Power" to overcome the addiction. Struggle, hardship and pain as the old life of the addict is burned away in the Light of the Truth. In essence the reason why the Christian can appear to be indifferent to other moral viewpoints is that because we are all addicts our minds are darkened by the entrapment of our vices. When we argue against the Truth we are attempting to justify our addictions. Like the addict, we cling to our vice because we think we can only find happiness in the vice. But the vice eats away at us. The thrill is soon gone. Only the trap remains. As such to our atheist friend we must remember that letting another "do his own thing" sometimes is the worst thing we can do. Charity demands that we stop our brother from destroying himself.

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