
Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Judge not lest ye be Judged

It is an irony of this day and age that far too often what we accuse our intellectual opponents of is precisely what we are too often guilty of.  It becomes almost an amusement to see one accuse another of the very thing that the accuser is doing.  I can't put my finger on it but I have yet to discover why this age seems so prone to such lack of self-reflection.

Examples abound.  In my own short time blogging I have found the following:
- A Facebook discussion where the post was a link to a Keith Olbermann video.  The poster then complained about the lack of civility in the discussion.
- A Vox Nova contributor posted about the need to drop suspicion only to accuse his opponents of dishonesty in the same post.
- Stacy's blog is bombarded with the Apostles of Peace and Tolerance explaining to her why her children should be raped and drown.

I am at a loss to explain what I find to be one of the biggest issues in modern discourse about...well...anything.  It is as if we have all lost a complete sense of self-reflection.  The ability to reconcile our thoughts and words with our actions.  It seems the more that we accuse others (and the volume we use) are indicators that the accuser could stand to take his own advice.

I can think of a few things that contribute to this.  The first is the rejection of objective truth.  If truth is relative, than I am the source of all relevant truth.  Thus if I am the source then my accusations are not binding on me.  Morality can be completely contradictory since I am the arbiter of such.

Another aspect is the ability of the modern mind to turn vices into virtues.  We can redefine morality as we please, so we can simply change our "values" to match what others call "vices."  We are beholden to no one but ourselves in the end.  So why define morality in a way that inconviences us?

This is not to say that those who accept objective truth do not suffer from this as well.  To me it appears to be the product of our culture rejecting objective truth.  And like it or not, all of us are products of our culture and thus subject to the blind spots that our culture suffers from.  It is encumbent that all who hold to objective truth to reflect on how our culture's rejection of truth affects us in ways we do not know about.


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