
Wednesday, November 2, 2011

A day in the life

I typically don't talk about myself on my blog (except for posting excuses as to why I don't blog more often).  So I thought it might be time to talk about what I do when I'm not blogging.

Much to my wife's eternal dismay I am a video game junkie.  Having just finished Batman:Arkham City and the rather lame Ratchet and Clank: All 4 One.  The second one is sad as I love the series but co-op play was so frustrating (first two games dropped, sometimes the controller wouldn't respond, etc).  I have currently taken up with one I've been meaning to play for a while.  Epic Mickey. 

Another thing that takes away from blogging time is novel writing.  Although in all fairness it is the other way around.  See I started blogging to get me in the habit of writing on a regular basis.  As such as I am now writing in my novel on a semi-regular basis this blog has accomplished its purpose.  This is not to say that I will stop blogging, but as I intend to devote more time to novel writing this blog will not be updated as frequently. 

For those who are like me with regard to novel writing I strongly recommend three things:

  1. Get an IPad or some kind of tablet and a writing app (I use iA Writer).
  2. Order the e-book Write Your Novel in Nine Weeks. (I'll wait while you order...........good).
  3. WRITE!

I love my IPad 2.  It has helped me to focus on my wiritng by having a digital word processor without the hassle of a full laptop.  I can write when my wife and I go to a coffee shop, her lab (which we spend WAY TOO MUCH TIME IN), or just on the couch at home.  It helps me focus and iA Writer is a basic clean interface for writing.

Bill Dodd's book Write Your Novel in Nine Weeks is really how to write a short fiction story in stated time.  He offers sound advice and encouragement thoughout the process of going from wannabe novelist to the far more uncomfortable world of novelist.  It is totally worth the 3 bucks. 

Finally like Bill Dodd will tell you in order to write you must WRITE.  And keep writing. 

As for me, I intend to keep writing but the year-end blockbuster releases of Uncharted 3, Assassin's Creed: Revelation, Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword and a host of others will ultimately vie for my time and attention. 

Oh right, and my wife will too. 

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