I just read your piece on why the Magisterium makes sense. Great article! I have been going thru that myself. As a revert back to the Catholic faith, trying to find a bible version that works for me because the language does matter. The contemporary versions have changed just enough to make it impossible for me to read.
For example, I discovered over the Christmas season, they refer to Mary as God being "gracious" to her--NOT filled with Grace! Big difference when you consider we place Catholic dogma on that very thing....full of Grace for a reason!
After several versions....I am quite happy with my new Duoay-Rheims thus far! Seems to make sense to me now! Translations do matter because meanings can be altered by changing one word...in English!
I just read your piece on why the Magisterium makes sense. Great article! I have been going thru that myself. As a revert back to the Catholic faith, trying to find a bible version that works for me because the language does matter. The contemporary versions have changed just enough to make it impossible for me to read.
For example, I discovered over the Christmas season, they refer to Mary as God being "gracious" to her--NOT filled with Grace! Big difference when you consider we place Catholic dogma on that very thing....full of Grace for a reason!
After several versions....I am quite happy with my new Duoay-Rheims thus far! Seems to make sense to me now! Translations do matter because meanings can be altered by changing one word...in English!
Thanks for stopping by Sr. Lori! That's a really drastic difference in the text.
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